
Monday, 15 April 2013

Dependency on Crude

India produces 40 Million Tonnes of crude per year, and our consumption is 160 million tonnes per year. We are importing about 75 % of our necessitous crude from other countries. But we export refined product to other countries. Our refining capacity is more than our needs. Oil is generally purchased from OPEC countries, and almost the entire world is dependent on these countries for crude requirements. These countries uses Oil not only for economical needs, but for their political needs too. The entire world behaves like puppet when these countries uses oil supply as their strands. We too are dependent on OPEC nation for our supply. Can we imagine our nation without their support??

No, We can't. Because we do not have alternate sources to fulfill our needs. Many people says we must shift to Nuclear Technology, and yes it is Economical and Green Technology by which we can cut barrel requirements. But after developing nuclear reactors with this slow pace and high investment we will be going to fail again. As after developing reactors we will get dependent on nations which will supply us nuclear fuel, and there will be formation of Organisation of Uranium Producing Nations OUPN, and then these country will use Uranium supplies as key to meet their economical as well as political requirements, as upto that span of time almost the whole world will start using nuclear power.

So, we must develop Reactors quickly, so that when our reactors get out of use we were ready to adapt new technology of that time, and presently we must think to reduce our oil cuts and in improving efficiency of system.

We have to reduce our dependency on crude by developing new sources and Technologies, and improving the efficiency of present system to meet our requirements in a self-dependent way.



  1. Quasim! Awesome job..
    Following are the first two thoughts that come to my mind after reading your blog:

    India should indeed speed up her reforms so that we increase our export trade to create some leverage .. rather than being arm twisted by the OPEC or the OUPN and so on. But u know wot.. the USA imports a lot more oil and nuclear fuel and electronics and cars than India ... but none of these countries are able to use these dependencies for their own political or economic advantage. Wonder how the US manages it !

    Also,International trade is the way to go forward (as propagated by the great WTO). So no country can think of progressing so much that it becomes SELFSUFFICIENT!. Developing core competencies and trading the same to create dependencies sounds like a more realistic strategy than selfdependance! (for eg OPEC has OIL, India has CHEAP IT, CHINA has MFG, Ghana has COFFEE and so on .. )


    1. Yes you are very true and correct in your opinion.

      We have to surely create leverage by developing our core compitencies. But i was speaking of a different thought. As we are solely dependent on OPEC/other nations for supplies of sources of energy. Though we have wide oppurtunity to develop our own such as Biodiesel, Wind power, high-tech solar plants, Hydrogen cells, etc. As we have more barren lands and much more topological benefits than other nation. Though developing these sources cannot entirely change our exiisting energy system, still it will make us less dependent on others.

      Other fact is that we always implement outdated technology, and we never takes any initiatives, so we must adopt the nuclear technology immediately and correspondingly switching to above said sources as soon as our nuclear plants gets outdated..

      Aditya your thought was very good and yes we all have to work in same direction. :)
